Monday, July 31, 2006

:: presto ::

preston blair's book animation is the best animation book ever written. richard williams' the animator's survival kit is a good companion. and i reccomend keeping an eye out for nancy beiman's storyboarding book too [which will include things like directing a character and color theory].

but mostly so i personally can find this link no matter where i am...ASIFA hollywood [why can't asifa east rock like them?!] has been kind enough to post the ORIGINAL 1947 preston blair mgm/tex avery character design pages from his book. they were taken out of the later editions...basically anything we've ever seen...and had slightly watered down versions of similar characters. it totally changes the entire experience, the mgm characters are very well designed and were always some of my favorites. i highly reccomend checking them out!

:: preston blair's animation, 1947 ::

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