scribbles, sketches, and progress on projects, by NYC animator Thomas Sebastian Smolenski. A.K.A. Smo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
:: tags ::
rehashed some old images for a t-shirt tag. not sure which works...probably the skull? also! is it confusing that i use threeprong and rockitpack? should i go with one? which do you prefer?
I think the skull says "tag" but the face is more friendly. People might see the face and say "aww. yay a shirt!" or they could see the skull and say "wow, badass! a shirt!"
maybe go with the face because it's less expected! nice work.
Holy crap dude. I didn't realize you were so active on the blog circuit. I love the smo cartoon at the top here. Great stuff, can't wait to see more animation.
I think the skull says "tag" but the face is more friendly. People might see the face and say "aww. yay a shirt!" or they could see the skull and say "wow, badass! a shirt!"
maybe go with the face because it's less expected! nice work.
Holy crap dude. I didn't realize you were so active on the blog circuit. I love the smo cartoon at the top here. Great stuff, can't wait to see more animation.
Very nice!!
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